About Us

Serving Elections With SECURITY since 2018.

With over 7 years of experience in secure electronic elections, we guarantee unparalleled service excellence. We cater to clients across diverse sectors, including unions, associations, organizations, welfare institutions, polytechnics, universities, and saccos. Rest assured, we possess the ideal election solution tailored to meet your specific needs. Security is in our DNA.

Making it possible to have secure, inclusive, fast & accurate electronic elections.
This is us

We Believe in Democracy


Our Mission

To transform elections by ensuring transparency, security, and accessibility for all stakeholders.

Our Core Values

In pursuit for democracy, we are guided by our core values.

  • Integrity
  • Innovation
  • Empowerment
  • Trustworthiness
  • Collaboration
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Responsiveness
  • Transparency
  • Commitment to Democracy
  • Environmental Conservation

Our Vision

We envision a world where every voice is heard, and every vote counts by leveraging technology to overcome barriers and expand access to voting.

Our Journey

Every Step Counts

Mikterry Agencies

An IT based business is formed to provide solutions to clients.


VotersWall v1.0.0

VotersWall - an electronic voting platform is launched for internal testing. VotersWall is also available to selected groups.


VotersWall v1.0.5

Five versions and two years later, VotersWall is ready to used by clients to run secure electronic elections


VotersWall goes public

VotersWall is used for the first time to run secure electronic elections for the Kabete National Polytechnic Student Union. A success story.


I.E.B.C Observers

This year, our electronic voting solution is overseen by observers from the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) - Kenya


The Law Society of Kenya

An election where VotersWall was being implemented is attended by The Law Society of Kenya


Office of The Controller of Budget

VotersWall is used by Office of The Controller of Budget for it's welfare elections


VotersWall Institute of Democracy

VotersWall gets a dedicated team to oversee it's implementation under VotersWall Institute of Democracy. celebrating 7 years at v1.0.17

Why VotersWall

Direct/Majoritarian System

The Direct/Majoritarian System of voting is a simple and widely used method for electing representatives in democratic societies. Each voter casts one vote for their preferred candidate. In some instances, voters can select more than one preferred candidates depending on the election setup.

Why VotersWall

Delegate/Electoral College System

Each subgroup/branch/department appoints a certain number of electors, known as the Electoral College or delegates, who are tasked with casting votes to elect the council. The number of electors allocated to each subgroup is based on the client's constitution on elections.

Why VotersWall

Branch/Subgroup Based Voting

In this type of voting, voters are divided in different subgroups making it possible for each subgroup to elect their representatives independently but at the same time. Voters can only see candidates in their subgroup.

Why VotersWall

Campus Based Voting

Almost similar to branch based voting, this type of voting is common in learning institutions with various campus which are further divided into subgroups at the campus level. Voters can be presented with candidates in their subgroup in the specific campus making it possible to run elections in all campuses at the same exact time.

Why VotersWall

All in One Voting

This is the biggest election setup. In a case of an institution or organization with various branches/subgroups. All voters are allowed to elect the national leaders while at the same time electing the branch/subgroup representatives. It saves on costs & logistics.

The Board

Professional Individuals

Our success in elections is driven by the collaborative efforts of our dedicated team, leveraging diverse skills and perspectives to effectively connect with voters and achieve our goals

team image
Software Delivery Manager
Penorah Buyaki,
Software Engineer
Umair Nawaz,
Board Member
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Advocate of the High Court of Kenya
Abigael Kariuki,
Board Member
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Business Analyst
Corrine Wesonga,
Board Member
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Data Analyst
Manwa Shem,
Board Member